Sunday, February 19, 2012


2.17.12 by teachandcreate


What a way to start the discussions with friends, art at the bean with a friend, and dinner at home with Dane.  This week was non-stop, but it was also filled with so many moments where I was able to witness art bringing joy to so many.  

"Luminous Field" opened at the Cloud Gate, which is more lovingly referred to as "The Bean" early in February.  It was a temporary exhibit and I had been meaning to go since I heard it began.  Unfortunately, a busy schedule that had me unsure if I was coming or going kept getting in my way.  I decided that today was the day.  Busy or not, I was going. 

Fortunately, it was an unseasonably warm evening and one of my SAIC friends was going, too.  While there were so many people there the lights were almost blocked, I loved seeing people of all ages taking it in.  It was so beautiful to see the kids jumping to all of the different colors that splashed against the concrete.  Even though I know there was music playing with the lights, what I remember most is hearing all of the laughter and conversations that people were having.  Yes, if you walk into any restaurant around 7:00 you'll hear the same thing, but I truly believe the setting made all the difference here.  Taking place in the reflection of the bean and the bright lights almost made it seem more spontaneous, even hopeful.

I know there are people out there who don't understand the power of fine arts.  People who want to cut funding for the arts both in the public arena and schools.  I wish they could see the beauty, hope, and joy that they bring people...not only to those who are creating, but also the random people that come into contact with those works.

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